Our Purpose
Simply Put,
- We exist to innovatively solve complex legal problems of our clients,
- To foster the next generation of socially conscious lawyers and
- Shape the future of law.
To be distinctly different, a role model, and a 'dream firm' for professional firms — globally
To be a Nano* firm - stay small, think big, do big:
- Where clients take pride in engaging us
- Where members receive best rewards
- Which upholds the nobility of the legal profession
- Which commands respect of its competitors
To be a joyous and happy home for professionals
Our mission is to be trusted advisors to our clients and help:
- achieve their BIG vision and strategic objectives
- assist them in complex and high value transaction or litigation
- rescue them from crisis
In performing our mission we seek to experience the joy of changing the world around us — for the better.
We do this by our thought leadership, academics, research, advocacy, creativity, technology, organisational behavior and by better understanding the legal, regulatory and political environment and industries in which we and our clients operate.
*One Nano meter is one billionth or 109 of a meter: to put that scale in another context, the comparative size of a nanometer to a meter is the same as that of a marble to the size of the earth.